Radical Intention
Via del Mucciano 11, Borgo San Lorenzo, Toscana, Italy
Radical Intention
Through research-driven approaches Radical Intention expands the horizon of possibilities for collective experiences/actions focusing on the affinity between the social-political and artistic practice. Collaborative research, activism, alternative education, gatherings and the politics of hospitality play a continuing and vital role within the methodology and concepts of the group. Maria Pecchioli and Aria Spinell started Radical Intention in order to investigate new forms of interaction and exchange in the context of visual arts. They aimed at breaking the boundaries between public and private domain by trying to activate experiential and self-reflexive moments of sharing.[:it]Through research-driven approaches Radical Intention expands the horizon of possibilities for collective experiences/actions focusing on the affinity between the social-political and artistic practice. Collaborative research, activism, alternative education, gatherings and the politics of hospitality play a continuing and vital role within the methodology and concepts of the group. Maria Pecchioli and Aria Spinell started Radical Intention in order to investigate new forms of interaction and exchange in the context of visual arts. They aimed at breaking the boundaries between public and private domain by trying to activate experiential and self-reflexive moments of sharing.

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