Via Italia, 30, 66050 Guilmi CH, Italia
Opening Hoursby appointment
Biennial artist in residency, registered as non-profit cultural association, operating in Guilmi (Abruzzo, Italy) since 2007. Founders and curators Lucia Giardino and Federico Bacci invite artists for the production of works in dialogue at various levels with the community. Lately GAP has extended the production of artists’ projects beyond the residence time-space-frame. Other professionals hold side activities: parties, experiential workshops, walks, collective meals. In 2013 GAP launches the Nuova Didattica Popolare: night classes in a public square on contemporary issues, analysed throughout the lens of contemporary art. Editions 2013-2017 are conceived and held by art curator, critic and educator Pietro Gaglianò. Self-financed and promoted, plus technical and professionals sponsorships

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