Loc. Normann 4, Gonnesa, Sardinia, Italy
Giulia CasulaGiuseppefraugallery
Giuseppefraugallery is a collective of artists that acts through the fields of art and activism experimenting new forms of resistance and resiliency. The collective was founded in 2009 by Eleonora Di Marino, Pino Giampá and Riccardo Oi (subsequently joined by Davide Porcedda in 2011). It is based in a mining village, as legal site, and in the ex female school of Iglesias as operative and didactic site, also used as exhibition space. The collective operates in the territory where it belongs and in others that are usually compromised by environmental, cultural and social crisis, with the aim of affecting the local contexts bringing the communities to think about alternative and innovative forms of development.

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