Limiti inchiusi Arte Contemporanea
Via Maiella, 97, 86022 - Limosano, CB
Limiti inchiusi Arte Contemporanea
Limiti inchiusi was founded in Campobasso in 1994. After a long exhibition activity, the Association, since 2012 with the Vis à Vis Fuoriluogo residency program, looks to the small communities of Molise, places and territories to be reinterpreted using the tools of contemporary art. . The Molise realities affected by our residences still retain strong links with the rural world. Local traditions, territorial and environmental characteristics represent an excellent starting point for artistic research. The Vis à Vis Fuoriluogo project is interested in the topicality of marginal places by developing a program of residences with the aim of promoting the context through art.
The association Limiti inchiusi strongly believes in the project of residences for artists who, even if operating in years of profound economic crisis, produce among people the spirit of commonality and participation that make Vis à Vis Fuoriluogo a unique experience in the regional panorama and not only that, causing a stubborn opposition to the overall setback of cultural planning which unfortunately still characterizes contemporary Molise.
Vis à Vis - Artists in Residence Project, curated by the artists Paolo Borrelli and Fausto Colavecchia, had its beginning in 2012 in the Molise municipalities of Acquaviva Collecroce and Montemitro and Abruzzo of Carpineto Sinello and Guilmi, it was then repeated in the following years in the villages of Oratino (2013, 2014 and 2015), Limosano (2014 and 2015), Castelbottaccio and San Giuliano del Sannio in 2016, Mafalda (2017 and 2018), Lucito and Roccavivara in 2019, located in the province of Campobasso.
Our ambition is to promote a long-term planning season, which gives the communities involved the opportunity to plan and plan together with us a real residency platform. In this way, the "network" of works of art scattered throughout the Molise territory will be able to grow and be enjoyed in a coherent visitable itinerary.

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